Robert Chadeayne | SERVICE STATION | 1935 | oil on canvas | 30 x 36" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Robert Chadeayne | UNLOADING BOX CARS, NEW YORK, NY | Late 1920s-early 1930s | oil on board | 20 x 26" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Robert Chadeayne | BUILDINGS, COLUMBUS | oil on canvas | 13 x 19-3/4" | 1936 | Private Collection
Robert Chadeayne | UNTITLED (HOUSES IN A LANDSCAPE) | 1939 | oil on canvas | 16 x 18" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Robert Chadeayne | UNTITLED (HANCOCK, NEW YORK STREET SCENE) | 1931 | oil on canvas |
26-1/2 x 34-1/4" | courtesy of private collection
Robert Chadeayne | COLUMBUS FROM THE WEST | 1950 | oil on canvas | 22 x 28" | courtesy of private collection
Robert Chadeayne | COUNTRY ROAD | 1939 | oil on canvas | 18 x 20" | courtesy of private collection
Margaret Bourke-White
(1904-1971) | OTIS STEEL MILL, CLEVELAND | 1928 | gelatin silver print | 18-3/4 x 13-1/4" | Collection of the Springfield Museum of Art | Museum Purchase
Margaret Bourke-White
| LADLE B, OTIS STEEL MILL, CLEVELAND | 1928 | gelatin silver print | 11 x 9-7/8" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Margaret Bourke-White | OTIS STEEL CO. | 1928 | gelatin silver print |
13-1/4 x 9-3/4" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Charles Burchfield | WIRE FENCE IN SNOW | watercolor on paper | 26 x 19" | 1936 | Flint Institute of Arts
Charles Burchfield | SEPTEMBER WIND AND RAIN | 1949 | watercolor on paper | 22 x 48" | courtesy of the Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH
Charles Burchfield | AUTUMN WIND | lithograph | 7-1/4 x 13-3/8" | 1952 | Ross Art Museum, Ohio Wesleyan University
Charles Burchfield (1893-1967) | EVENING SUNLIGHT, WINTER | 1917 | watercolor | 19-1/2 x 13-1/2" | courtesy of private collection
Charles Burchfield | WINTER SUN THROUGH THE POPLARS | 1916 | watercolor | 20 x 14" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Charles Burchfield | OLD HOUSES IN WINTER | 1929-1941 | Watercolor on paper | 27-3/4 x 42-3/4" | courtesy of the Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute, IN | Museum Purchase | 1941.31
Charles Burchfield | WINTER SOLSTICE | 1920-1922 | watercolor on paper | 21-1/2 x 35-1/2" | courtesy of the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, OH | Gift of Ferdinand Howald | 1931.117
George Bellows (1882-1925) |
THE STREET | 1917 | lithograph |
19 x 15-1/4" | courtesy of Ross McGregor and Dr. Cathy Crompton
George Bellows | INITIATION IN THE FRAT | 1917 | lithograph |
10-1/4 x 12-5/8" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
George Bellows | SIXTEEN EAST GAY STREET | 1923-1924 | lithograph | 19-1/4 x 11-3/4" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
George Bellows | 1882-1925 | DANCE IN A MADHOUSE | lithograph | 18-1/2 x 24-1/8 " | 1917 | Private Collection
George Bellows | THE SAWDUST TRAIL | 1917 | lithograph | 25-1/2 x 19-7/8" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
George Bellows | CORN FIELD AND HARVEST, OCTOBER | 1921 | oil on panel | 18 x 22" | courtesy of the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, OH | Museum Purchase, Howald Fund | 1947.096
George Bellows | ROCK RIDGE FARM, OCTOBER | 1918 | oil on panel | 20 x 24" | courtesy of the Schumacher Gallery, Capital University, Columbus, OH
George Bellows | OVER THE TREE TOPS (AUGUST, MONHEGAN ISLAND, MAINE) | 1913 | oil on panel | 15 x 19-1/2" | courtesy of the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, OH | Gift of Loise Wolfe Myers in honor of her children | 2002.015
George Bellows | FISHERMEN'S HOUSES, MATINICUS | 1916 | oil on panel | 18 x 22" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Carl Gaertner | CAFE | 1938 | watercolor and gouache | 18 x 22" | courtesy of Carol and Mike Sherwin
Carl Gaertner | SEASIDE | 1940 | oil on canvas | 36 x 50" | courtesy of Carol and Mike Sherwin
Carl Gaertner | THE POPCORN MAN | 1930 | oil | 42 x 60" | courtesy of Mr. Thomas W. Darling
Carl Gaertner | EDGE OF RONCEVERTE, WEST VIRGINIA | 1935 | oil on canvas | 35 x 41-1/4" | courtesy of Carol and Mike Sherwin
Carl Gaertner (1898-1952) | THE ALLEGHENY | 1926 | oil on canvas | 29-1/2 x 34" | courtesy of Dod and Ann Wainwright
Carl Gaertner | EDDGE OF TOWN | 1920s | watercolor | 15 x 19-1/2" | courtesy of Carol and Mike Sherwin
Carl Gaertner | SNOW IN THE FURROWS | late 1930s | mixed media on paper | 22-1/2 x 30-1/2" | courtesy of Carol and Mike Sherwin
Carl Gaertner | THE ORE BOAT | 1929 | oil on canvas | 35 x 40" | courtesy of Carol and Mike Sherwin
Carl Gaertner | TREE STUMP WITH HOUSE | 1920s | watercolor and mixed media study | 5-1/2 x 7-1/2" | courtesy of Carol and Mike Sherwin
Edna Boies Hopkins | ROCKS AND RIVER | 1915-1918 | color woodcut | 10 x 8" | courtesy of Ross McGregor and Dr. Cathy Crompton
Edna Boies Hopkins (1872-1937) | MOUNTAIN CABIN (MULE AND SYCAMORE) | 1917 | color woodcut |
9-7/8 x 9" | courtesy of Hugh D. Barnett
Edna Boies Hopkins | HOMEWARD TRAIL| 1916 | color woodcut | 10 x 9" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Edna Boies Hopkins | APPALACHIAN WOMAN | 1915-1918 | pastel and crayon | 10 x 8" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
James Hopkins | CUMBERLAND SILHOUETTE (KENTUCKY) | oil on canvas | 32 x 26" | c.1915-19 | The Ohio State University Faculty Club
James Hopkins | MARKET DAY IN THE MOUNTAINS | oil on canvas | 72 x 36" | c.1915-19 | The Ohio State University Faculty Club
James Hopkins | UNDER THE SYCAMORE | 1915-1918 | oil on canvas | 26 x 32" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
James Hopkins | FISHERMAN AND BOY | 1915-1919 | oil on canvas | 31 x 25-1/2" | courtesy of the Schumacher Gallery, Capital University, Columbus, OH
James Hopkins (1877-1969) | THE OLD ORCHARD | 1919 | oil on canvas | 32 x 25-1/2" | Collection of the Springfield Museum of Art | Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Hunt
Glenn O. Coleman (1887-1932) | CAFE SCENE, NEW YORK CITY | 1910 | mixed media on paper | 15-1/2 x 20" | courtesy of Julie B. McGregor
Glenn O. Coleman | GREENWICH VILLAGE | 1927 | oil on canvas | 25 x 30" | courtesy of Julie B. McGregor
Yeteve Smith | WINGS OF FAITH | 1928-1930 | oil | 46 x 36" | courtesy of the Schumacher Gallery, Capital University, Columbus, OH
Yeteve Smith | FARM ON THE HILL | oil on board | 6-1/4 x 9-1/4 | c.1920s-30s | Springfield Museum of Art
Yeteve Smith | CLOWN | 1935 | oil on canvas | 32 x 26" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Lucius Kutchin | DANCERS| 1930-35 | painted screen on board (two-sided triptych | 68 x 19-3/4" each panel | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Lucius Kutchin | MOTHER AND CHILD - NEW MEXICO | n.d. | oil on masonite | 32-1/2 x 22-1/2" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Lucius Kutchin | GIRL IN CAFE | 1935 | oil on canvas | 31-1/4 x
30-1/4" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Lucius Kutchin (1901-1936) | BOY WITH GUITAR- SANTA FE | 1936 | oil on canvas | 42 x 34" | courtesy of the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio | Gift of Mrs. Lucius Kutchin | 1937.023
Lucius Kutchin | LANDSCAPE, NEW MEXICO | 1931 | oil on masonite | 22 x 22" | courtesy of the Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio | Museum Purchase | by exchange | 2013.003
Emerson Burkhart | DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE SHAPE TO THINGS TO COME | 1951 | oil on masonite |
30-1/2 x 40-1/2" | courtesy of private collection
Emerson Burkhart | ENGINE | 1947 | oil on canvas | 20-1/2 x 40-1/2" | courtesy of private collection
Emerson Burkhart | AMERICAN PROVINCIAL | 1942 | oil on canvas |
24-1/8 x 18-1/8" | courtesy of the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, OH | Gift of Emery E. Galloway | 1992.003
Emerson Burkhart | PORTRAIT OF WOMAN WITH CIGARETTE | 1940 | pastel on paper | 22 x 20" | courtesy of private collection
Emerson Burkhart | BACKSTREET PARADE | 1944 | oil on canvas | 22 x 30" | courtesy of the Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI and the Isabel Foundation, Inlander Collection | L2003.56
Emerson Burkhart | STREET SCENE WITH AFRICAN-AMERICAN MOTHER AND CHILDREN | 1956 | oil on canvas | 24 x 30" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Emerson Burkhart (1905-1969) | STILL LIFE | 1945 | oil on canvas | 40 x 30" | Collection of the Springfield Museum of Art | Gift of Eugene Aughinbaugh
Harriet Kirkpatrick | YANKEE HARBOR (GLOUCESTER) | 1938-1940s | mixed media on panel | 30 x 48" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Harriet Kirkpatrick (1877-1962) | NEW MEXICO VILLAGE | 1949 | gouache on paper | 21-1/2 x 30" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Harriet Kirkpatrick | TAOS #2 (PUEBLO) | 1950 | oil on panel | 21-1/2 x 28" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Harriet Kirkpatrick | VIEW OF PROVINCETOWN | 1935 | oil on canvas | 25 x 22" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Harriet Kirkpatrick | FIESTA, TAOS | 1946 | oil on panel | 29-3/4 x 48" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
Harriet Kirkpatrick | PIKEVILLE, KENTUCKY | 1944 | gouache on paper | 16-3/4 x 22-3/4" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
William Sommer | HORSES PLOWING | 1922-1924 | oil | 22-1/2 x 29" | courtesy of Dod and Ann Wainwright
William Sommer | THE RABBIT HUTCH | 1913 | oil on board | 26 x 20" | courtesy of the Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI and the Isabel Foundation, Inlander Collection| L2003.112
William Sommer | THE POOL | 1917-22 | oil on board | 23-3/4 x 31" | Private Collection | courtesy of Keny Galleries
William Sommer | COWS | n.d. | watercolor | ink and graphite | 15 x 20" | courtesy of the Akron Art Museum, Akron, OH
William Sommer | THE SPINACH TREE | 1934 | watercolor |
17-1/4 x 20-7/8" | courtesy of Dod and Ann Wainwright
Clarence Carter | MERRY GO ROUND (STUDY: CAROUSEL BY THE SEA) | oil on canvas | 21-1/2 x 32-1/4" | 1949 | Southern Ohio Museum
Clarence Holbrook Carte | JESSE STUART| 1941 | oil on canvas | 52 x 38" | courtesy of the Schumacher Gallery, Capital University | Columbus, OH
Clarence Holbrook Carter | JESUS WEPT | 1936 | watercolor | 14-1/8 x 22" | courtesy of the Southern Ohio Museum | Portsmouth, OH
Clarence Holbrook Carter | NIGHT CARNIVAL | 1941 | watercolor on paper | 22 x 15" | courtesy of the Flint Institute of Arts | Flint, MI and the Isabel Foundation, Inlander Collection | L2003.61
Clarence Holbrook Carter (1904-2000) | SMOLDERING FIRES | 1941 | oil on canvas | 45 x 36" | courtesy of the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, OH | Museum Purchase, Derby Fund | 2000.001
Clyde Singer | STREET PEOPLE | oil on canvas| 30 x 75" | 1936 | Canton Museum of Art
Clyde Singer | WIND ON THE AVENUE | 1937 | oil | 40 x 50" | courtesy of the Columbus Museum of Art, OH | Museum Purchase, Howald Fund | 2005.001
Clara Deike | UNDER THE TREES | 1931-1953 | oil on canvas | 20 x 24" | courtesy of the Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI and the Isabel Foundation, Inlander Collection | L2003.67
Clara Deike | WESTSIDE CLEVELAND | 1943 | oil on canvas |
24 x 26" | courtesy of the Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI and the Isabel Foundation, Inlander Collection | L20003.68
Clara Deike | STILL LIFE WITH REGAL LILIES IN DARK VASE | 1935 | oil on canvas | 26 x 20" | courtesy of Dod and Ann Wainwright
Clara Deike (1881-1964) | NEW ENGLAND LANDSCAPE | 1931 | oil on canvas | 23 x 17-1/2" | courtesy of Daniel Bush
Clyde Singer | COLUMBUS STREET SCENE | 1931 | watercolor | 10-1/2 x 13-1/2" | Private Collection
Clyde Singer | OHIO STATE FAIR | n.d. | oil painting | 17-1/2 x19-1/2" | courtesy of Daniel Shogren and Susan Meyer
Clyde Singer | MINOR LEAGUE | 1946 | oil on canvas | 40 x 50" | courtesy of the Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH
Clyde Singer (1908-1999) | REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS | n.d. | oil on canvas | 20 x 36" | courtesy of Bob and Diane Sakuta
Remarkable works by Ohio artists capturing Ohio’s distinctive expression of Regionalism rooted in the state’s more diverse blend of agriculture, industry, and cultures. The more than 75 works presented demonstrate a fertile “crossroads” of style, subjects and social commentary that belies Regionalism’s more simplified grassroots connotation.
Presented with the generous support of Ohio Humanities.
Submitting an Exhibition Proposal
The Springfield Museum of Art is pleased to accept applications for exhibiting work. Please complete the following information in full and Submit it. You will be contacted within 6 weeks of receivng your application.
For more information, contact Erin Shapiro at 937-325-4673.