The art quilt exhibition, Color Improvisation 2, has been inspiring! Sewing is an art form that is fun for all ages, but can be difficult for young children. Here are some ideas for sewing art at home:

Cut yarn into short lengths for sewing.

Gather papers and light cardboard to sew on. Punch holes for very young children, older children will be able to push a blunt needle through. Craft stores carry plastic canvas in grids, like the sample in the photograph, which are easy to use when cut down to size.

Yarn needles are blunt ended and great for small fingers. If you do not have a yarn needle try poking yarn through the holes with a chopstick.

Try stitches of different lengths and going in different directions. Use stitches to put together torn or cut paper pieces. Enjoy different colors and textures of yarn, or dental floss, or string, or grass!