“Everything that you can see in the world around you presents itself to your eyes only as an arrangement of patches of different colors.” – John Ruskin

If you haven’t been able to make it out for Color Improvisations 2, be sure to check out some of these photos as well as our online gallery. Color Improvisations 2 is an international quilt exhibition curated by Nancy Crow, one of the most celebrated and influential quilt artists of the past forty years. The show features 50 large, improvisational quilts by 43 artists from Canada, France, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Scotland, and the United States. Every quilt, made specifically for this exhibition, highlights the artists’ ability to create abstract compositions on a large scale with pieces measuring up to 90 x 90”. SMoA is the only U.S. destination to exhibit all 50 quilts in one venue. Which piece from the show brings you joy?

While we are temporarily closed, we commit to a “Moments for Joy” online campaign. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram where we will regularly present posts that we hope bring joy, wonder, and a moment to de-stress. Please join us!

#momentsforjoy #SpringfieldMuseumofArt #smoa #springfieldohio

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